Kids Fishing Clinic

Kids Fishing Clinic

The Greater Niagara Fishing Expo is partnering with the New York State DEC and Clubs/Exhibitors at the show who are aligned with the show's goal to introduce future generations of anglers to the sport of fishing by providing a Kid's Fishing Clinic. Upon completion, the adult and kid(s) will have enough knowledge to go out on the WNY waterways and safely catch some fish. We strongly believe that "taking a kid fishing" and "passing on the knowledge" is critical to sustaining our great fishery for the future generations of anglers.

This clinic will be a hands-on, interactive event for kids ages 12 and under, along with their "adult fishing companion" (Dad, Mom, friend, etc. who will be taking the kid(s) fishing). It will have a teaching fishing kid-friendly curriculum consisting of a logical series of stations manned by fishing experts to properly educate each adult and their kids.

There will be five stations, each highlighting the following fishing basics:

  • Knot Tying and Proper Equipment 
  • Casting
  • Lure Making
  • Where to Fish in Western New York
  • Fish ID, Fish Handling and Fishing Regulations

Registration Information

Admission to the clinic is free as part of the normal adult admission to the Expo. The clinic will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, February 16, and seating is limited to 60 kids. Each paid adult can bring up to 2 kids to attend with them.

To register, please email and provide the following details: child's name and age, as well as the name of the adult attending with them. Registration closes on Friday, February 7, so please be sure to register as soon as possible!