Shaw Grigsby

Shaw Grigsby

Bassmaster Elite Series pro Shaw Grigsby is a veteran of more than 340 Bassmaster tournaments, and for the past two decades, he has been the host of one of the longest running fishing shows on television; One More Cast with Shaw Grigsby. In his career, Grigsby has won nine Bassmaster Tour events, and finished in the top 10 59 times. He is a 16-time Bassmaster Classic qualifier and two-time Forrest Wood Cup qualifier who has posted total career earnings that eclipses $2.2 million dollars. He is a 2017 inductee to the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame. While he is best known for his prowess as a sight fisherman, Grigsby is a versatile angler who loves to target smallmouth in the Great Lakes and all over the northern part of the country. Shaw will present multiple seminars including a Question & Answer “roundtable” with fellow Bass Pro Mark Menendez. Check out the list of Bass Seminars for the topic, time and location of Shaw’s seminars.
Grigsby resides in Gainesville, Florida, is married to his wife Polly, they have two adult children, Amy and Shaw, and two grandchildren Bryce and Charlotte.
In addition to his seminars, he will be giving product demonstration seminars for Rapid Fishing Solutions on a regular basis on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, one of his valued sponsors.