Craig Sleeman

Craig Sleeman

Captain Craig Sleeman is a professional walleye angler on the National Walleye Tour and competes in tournaments in the eastern basin of Lake Erie. He is a past Grand Prize winner of the prestigious Sunset Bay Walleye Shootout.

Craig began his career in the Finger Lakes region of New York and continues to tackle competitive yellow perch tournaments in the spring. This experience has improved catchability, decision making and pre-fish planning, which have paved the way to his continued success.

With the continuous improvement in technology, Craig will share the latest cutting-edge tips on trolling, jigging and forward-facing sonar you will not want to miss! Craig's favorite technique for catching walleye is jigging, which has become an integral component throughout the year for fishing walleye in the eastern basin. He'll provide a local spin on the where and when of catching walleye in the eastern basin.

Craig is fortunate to partner with Douglas Outdoors, Doc's Tackle, Torpedo fishing products, i-1baits and 5/0 lure company, Fish Hawk Electronics, Walleye Nations Creations, Off Shore Tackle and Torpedo Fishing Products. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn and improve your game on Lake Erie!