Andrew Frelock

Andrew Frelock

I am 18 years old and in my first year of college at Suny Erie Community College. I love fishing with a passion. I live it and I breathe it every moment of my life. The good Lord has blessed me with this amazing love. Nature is my serenity in such a chaotic world. I started fishing when I was younger, around the age of eight. I was never a grand fisherman, but I began to evolve. No fisherman or woman will ever fully evolve to exactly what they dream of. Dreams, that along with my natural love of nature, are what have gotten me to where I am today. Within the past few years, it has been an amazing journey to get to where I am today. In my eyes, there will always be more to be done. Reflecting on my past motivates me to go and achieve better, and to live all these dreams of mine. This is why I am writing this. I began tying jigs and creating my own lures about four years ago. Over those four years, I have become well-versed, educated and even more eager to improve my craft. I have learned from many wonderful people (one of them being Jerry "Jigmaster"). They along with my time on streams and lakes have gotten me to learn and adapt to become better. Adventure is out there; it is up to you if you want it or not. In these adventures, cherish every moment. The moments are only out of your creation. I would like to mention also to please take care of all the natural resources we love so dearly. Some things as simple as taking a single garbage bag with you and filling it can go so far with protecting are natural resources. It takes the effort of many, not few.